Building a Saint Paul for All


Service Saint Paul believes city government has a unique role to play in the lives of its residents. Instead of another distant arena for the ideological fights that dominate state and national government, City Hall should play its part as the form of government closest to the people–the frontline for community safety, housing affordability, and economic vitality in every pocket of the place we call home.

We are a group of residents, community and nonprofit leaders, labor unions, and small businesses who believe the best way for our city to create progress and opportunity for all is to provide high-quality, dependable, and efficient city services in every neighborhood. Police, Fire, and 911 services to keep us safe in every neighborhood. Public works to clear our roads and patch our potholes. Affordable housing development and support for small business to ensure everyone has a roof over their head at night and the basic necessities of life within their reach.

You can’t build a home without a foundation. A city’s foundation is ensuring the delivery of basic city services to every neighborhood. While some well-meaning candidates for local office are focused on entrenching themselves in high-profile political debates and provocative slogans, we know that opportunity flows from our streets. We know that progress comes when we work with our neighbors to improve our services and institutions instead of rigidly adopting unproven slogans, and we know that building a brighter future for everyone in our city is best achieved by supporting candidates focused on the true work of city government.